Declaration on accessibility

The Service Centres for Rural Areas makes every effort to make the website accessible to all. The legal basis for this is the State Law on Equality for Disabled Persons (LGGBehM) and the Barrier-free Information Technology Ordinance of Rhineland-Palatinate (BITV-RP).

This declaration was prepared on 01.10.2020.

Status of compatibility with the requirements of the BITV-RP

This website is partially compatible with the BITV-RP.

The texts on navigation as well as the accessibility declaration are not yet available in light language. Therefore, these pages are not compatible with the WCAG success criterion 3.1.3 (unusual words), 3.1.4 (abbreviations) and 3.1.5 (reading level).

The texts on navigation as well as the declaration on accessibility are not yet available in German Sign Language. These pages are therefore not compatible with success criterion 1.2.6 (sign language)).

The contents listed below are not barrier-free for the following reasons:

a) Incompatibility with the BITV-RP

There may be colour combinations in which contrasts do not fully meet the requirements of the BITV-RP. (Success criterion of WCAG 1.4.3. - contrast minimum).
In some cases, the navigation can only be fully operated with the mouse and thus does not fully meet the success criterion 2.1.1. (keyboard).
There are some form fields without an associated label (success criterion 3.3.2 - labels).
In some cases, PDF documents may not be barrier-free.

b) The following contents of our website do not fall within the scope of the applicable legal provisions:

Recorded time-based media published before 23 September 2020
if applicable, live transmitted time-based media
file formats of office applications published before 23 September 2018, unless such content is necessary for the active management procedures of the tasks performed by the public sector body concerned.

(c) Disproportionate burden
Our embedded videos are published on the video platform YouTube. It is not possible to provide the required audio descriptions for some of these videos. This means that WCAG success criterion 1.2.5 (audio description recorded) is not met. We are of the opinion that a remedy would constitute a disproportionate burden in terms of the accessibility regulations. We are planning to make alternatives for time-based media available as text instead of audio descriptions in the near future.

Feedback and contact

Should you notice any shortcomings in the barrier-free design of, you can contact us at any time via our e-mail.

Agricultural Public Service Center
Department Technical Central Office
Rüdesheimer Str. 60-68
55545 Bad Kreuznach

If, after your enquiry at "Feedback and Contact", you believe that you are disadvantaged by an insufficiently barrier-free design of, you can contact the State Commissioner for the Interests of Disabled Persons

Matthias Rösch
State Representative for the interests of disabled people
Ministry of Social Affairs, Labour, Health and Demography of Rhineland-Palatinate
Bauhofstraße 9
55116 Mainz
phone: 06131 16 5342
fax: +49 6131 16 17 5342